Backyard Chicken Registration Form

Every domestic chicken (hen) kept on a residential lot that is less than 1 Acre, is required to be registered with the City. Registration is free but mandatory, and may be made by submitting a Backyard Hen registration form by mail, email, or online. The Surrey Chicken Keeping Bylaw explains all of the rules and requirements for keeping backyard hens, including the minimum lot size; the size and location of your coop; how to protect the health of people living in the area; as well as ensures that the hens are treated humanely.

Please fill in this backyard hen registration form and submit it to the City of Surrey. If validated, a confirmation email of your validated registration to keep hens will in most cases be provided by the City within 7-12 business days.

*Mandatory information.

Hen Owner and Address

*First Name:

*Last Name:

*Street Number:

*Street Name:

Unit Number:

*City Name:

Postal Code:

Contact Information

*Contact Number:

A minimum of one number must be provied. 
Entry Format: 555-555-5555


Property Information

Select Property Zoning:

Select Property Size:

*BCPID # : This is the 9 Digit B.C. Premises ID Registration # for a Poultry Premises provided by Ministry of Agriculture

Number of Hens proposed to be kept on the lot:


*Please read and confirm both of the following statements.

Thank you for your submission,

Bylaw and Licensing Services
City of Surrey, 13450 – 104 Ave, Surrey BC, V3T 1V8

Please note a copy of your submission will be emailed to the email address you provided. 
Personal information is collected for Backyard Chicken Registration purposes by the City of Surrey under s.26 (c) of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. All responses will be kept completely confidential and will be reported in aggregate only. For questions about the survey, including the collection of personal information, please contact the Manager of Marketing and Communications, PRC at (604) 598-5785.