City of Surrey. The future lives here.
Multi-Use Covered Sports Box
Residents Survey

Interior photo of a covered sports box.
The City of Surrey is proposing the creation of a Multi-Use Covered Sports Box to be located in the South Surrey Athletic Park. A multi-use covered sports box is a versatile outdoor facility designed for a variety of sports and recreational activities. Featuring a durable, fenced-in surface with lines and markings for games like basketball, tennis, hockey, soccer, and more, it’s a dynamic space for all ages to stay active. Equipped with adjustable nets and seating areas, a multi-use covered sports box brings communities together, providing a convenient, all-weather location for fun, fitness, and friendly competition.

As a resident who neighbours South Surrey Athletic Park, we would like to hear your opinions regarding this proposed new facility.
The City wants to gather feedback from as many Surrey residents as possible, so we are promoting this survey in a number of different ways. You may receive a City eNewsletter referring to the survey or hear about it on social media, however, we ask that you only complete the survey once

Will a Multi-Use Covered Sports Box benefit you and/or your family's activities?*

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