Surrey Sports Hall of Fame

The Surrey Sports Hall of Fame will celebrate the rich sports heritage and ongoing legacy of Surrey’s active sports communities. Programs and exhibits will highlight the achievements of players, builders, coaches, volunteers, and others involved in sport in Surrey. In the long term, a permanent sports hall of fame is envisioned as part of a future spectator facility. The Surrey Sports Hall of Fame will foster civic pride and inspire all generations to engage with their communities.

Share your opinions and ideas on the new Surrey Sports Hall of Fame! 
The City wants to gather feedback from as many Surrey residents as possible, so we are promoting this survey in a number of different ways. You may receive a City eNewsletter referring to the survey or hear about it on social media, however, we ask that you only complete the survey once

What inspired you to participate in this survey?*

(Select all that apply)

What is your connection to Surrey?*

(Select all that apply)

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