City of Surrey Dog Off-Leash
Strategy Update Survey


We are updating the 2012 Dog Off-Leash Strategy to address new and ongoing challenges related to providing spaces for people to have their dogs off-leash. Surrey currently has 19 Off-Leash Areas (OLAs).
We need your input on draft recommendations that were developed in Phase 1, including:
  • New OLA Locations
  • OLA Design
  • Waste Management
  • Conflict Management
  • Anything else you want to tell us?
We invite feedback from all community members, including dog owners and non-dog owners alike. Your input is valuable in helping us enhance the overall experience in Surrey's dog off-leash areas.
Please only complete the survey once. The City is promoting the survey in a number of different ways to gather feedback from as many Surrey residents as possible, so you may see it again in a City eNewsletter or hear about it on social media.

Does your household own a dog?*

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