City Hall Online Virtual Tour
Customer Satisfaction Survey
Thank you for participating in a virtual tour of Surrey’s City Hall! Your feedback is essential in ensuring that our tours are not only enjoyable but also informative and valuable. Please take a moment to share your thoughts and suggestions, as they will help us continue to enhance the experience for all visitors.

In which group type did you attend the tour?*

For teachers and/or supporting chaperones, please answer the following question based on your group of students.

Are you providing the feedback as a “participant” or “group leader”?*

Did you use the City Hall Tour Student Workbook?*

What is your age group?*

Rate Your Experience

Overall, how satisfied were you with the tour information provided?*

Based on your recent experience, please rate your level of agreement with each item below

It was easy to follow along with what the tour guide was saying.*

The presentation material was interesting and informative.*

The City Hall Tour Student Workbook provided me with a clear understanding of what happens at City Hall.*


Do you have any suggestions for further improvements?

Do you have any highlights? What was the best part of the tour?

Were there any areas you didn't get to see and were hoping to learn more about?

Do you have any feedback or highlights regarding the City Hall Tour Student Workbook.

Recommend City Hall Tours

And finally, how likely is it that you would recommend viewing a City Hall Online Virtual Tour to a friend or colleague?*

Very unlikely
Very likely
Very likely

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