City of Surrey Special Events

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Market Vendor

Market vendors are independent or small businesses that offer handmade, locally sourced, and exclusive items for sale. The vendor’s products must align with the event’s objectives to qualify for participation.  

Event Date: Saturday April 26
Event Hours: 11 AM – 7 PM 
Event Venue: Civic Plaza in front of Surrey City Hall
Event Address: 13450 104 Ave, Surrey BC

Contact Information

Marketing Your Activation

(As you would like it to appear on our website)
In 2-3 sentences, please describe your company and its offerings. Just the highlights. Writing should be clear and concise. This may go on our website!
(paragraph answer)
Upload 1-2 professional-looking images of the company, your activation, or your product.
Maximum image file size of 1.5MB

Social Media Links

Operational Requirements

1 table, 2 folding chairs, and power access are included at no additional charge if requested.
You may rent additional tables and chairs for an extra charge.

Terms of Agreement

Party For The Planet Terms of Agreement

  1. The Exhibitor agrees to abide by all rules and regulations adopted by the City of Surrey and that the City of Surrey will have the final decision in adopting any rule or regulation deemed necessary prior to, during and after the show. 
  2. The exhibitor agrees to use the space(s) provided only for the display of the products or services specified in this agreement and agrees not to sublet the space(s) unless written authorization is provided by the City of Surrey 
  3. All electrical service will be supplied by the electrical company chosen by City of Surrey. All electrical equipment or apparatus used must be approved by the appropriate Hydro authorities prior to the Show unless such equipment or apparatus has been given C.S.A. certification. The exhibitor agrees to abide by any decision made by the Hydro authority in the event of any dispute. Equipment not approved may be required to be removed from the Show. 
  4. The Exhibitor will hold the City of Surrey and the owners of the buildings and grounds harmless from any damage or liability arising from any injury or damage to said Exhibitor, his agents, servants or employees, or to the property of the said Exhibitor occurring in the buildings or grounds or the approaches and entrances thereto, except by negligence of the City of Surrey.
  5. In the event the Exhibitor fails to register and pay by the deadline established for the event without prior written authorization, the City of Surrey reserves the right to relet such space(s).
  6. In the event the Exhibitor fails to comply in any respect with the terms of this agreement, all rights of the Exhibitor hereunder will cease and terminate. Any payment made by the Exhibitor on account hereof will be retained by the City of Surrey as liquidated damages for breach of this contract and the City of Surrey may thereupon relet the space. 
  7. City of Surrey reserves the right to reject or prohibit exhibits or Exhibitors or to relocate exhibits or Exhibitors when the City of Surrey’s opinion such moves are necessary to maintain the character and/or good order of the Event. No monies will be returned to Exhibitors under these conditions. 
  8. The Exhibitor's property will be placed on display and exhibited at his/her risk and the City of Surrey assumes no responsibility for loss and damage thereto. The Exhibitor will assume all responsibility for loss of damage to his property due to fire, theft, flood, lightning, earthquake, explosion, or any other cause beyond the control of the City of Surrey.
  9. The exhibitor agrees to have liability and property damage and insurance to limits satisfactory to the City of Surrey and proof of such insurance shall be available to the City of Surrey before the opening of the Event. 
  10. The exhibitor agrees that no display will be dismantled or goods removed during the entire run of the Event and the display will remain intact until the closing hour of the last day of the Show. The Exhibitor also agrees to remove this exhibit, equipment and appurtenances from the Show premises by the final move out time limited, or in the event of failure to do so, the Exhibitor agrees to pay for such additional costs as may be incurred. The removal of equipment or material from the grounds will not be allowed before move out except where accompanied by "Release Forms" provided by the City of Surrey. 
  11. In the event the building should be destroyed by fire or the elements or if any circumstances whatsoever should occur which might make it impossible for the City of Surrey to permit Exhibitors to occupy the premises or if the Event is cancelled, the Exhibitor will pay for space only for the period the space was or could have been occupied by the Exhibitor, and the City of Surrey in no way, will be responsible for claims or damage which might arise in consequences thereof. A refund of all monies received from the Exhibitor will be made by City of Surrey in the event of the Show not being held and City of Surrey will be released from any and all claims for damages or otherwise. 
  12. The Exhibitor is liable for any damage caused to building floors, walls or columns, or to standard booth equipment, or to other Exhibitor's property. The exhibitor may not apply paint, lacquer, adhesive or other coating to building columns, floors or to standard booth equipment.
  13. The Exhibitor agrees to observe all union contracts and labour relation's agreements in force, agreements between the City of Surrey and official contractors serving the building and/or companies operating on the grounds in which the building is located. The Exhibitor will not do anything directly or indirectly with his display which may be a violation of any law, bylaw, ordinance or regulation of any governmental body or which may be in violation of the regulation of the Canadian Fire Underwriters Association or any other similar body. 
  14. The Exhibitor agrees to maintain qualified personnel in the display at all times during the Show hours. 
  15. City of Surrey will not assume any responsibility for losses or damages incurred from pilferage or any other causes. Exhibitors should take all possible precautions to protect their own property, including insurance if deemed necessary. 
Click SUBMIT for final confirmation. If you need to update any of the information provided in this form, please email your request to me at

Thank you for completing the Event Order form for Party for the Planet. 

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