Waste Drop Off Promo
Thank you for attending the Waste Drop Off Promotion! This initiative is part of the City’s ongoing efforts to promote sustainability and responsible waste management, ensuring that Surrey remains a clean and safe place for everyone.

Which facility did you visit?*

How would you rate your experience at the facility you visited?*

Please tell us why.

Was the discount an incentive for you to come today?*

Should you need to, would you return to this facility only during a discounted event, or would you return at any time, regardless of discounts?*

During this program you can dispose of up to 100 kilograms for free. Are you satisfied with this limit?*

Did you find it challenging to estimate if the weight of your items are under the 100kg limit?*

Did you have any items that you wanted to dispose of but were not accepted at the facility?*

What items/materials did you dispose of today? (Select all that apply)*

How did you hear about the event/facility? (Select all that apply)*

In which Surrey community area do you currently live?*

Which languages do you speak/read? (Select all the apply)*

Should they need to, how likely are you to recommend taking recyclables, garbage and household items to one of the Recycling and Waste Centres to your family and friends?*

Not at all likely
Extremely Likely
Extremely Likely

What is your postal code?*

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