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Richmond Supply Chain Resiliency Program
The COVID-19 pandemic has caused numerous supply chain disruptions. The goal of the Supply Chain Resiliency Program is to improve the resilience of BC manufacturers.

This initiative is funded by the BC Provincial Government and distributed by the City of Surrey, Township of Langley, City of Richmond, and BC Tech Association.

By collecting key information (all non-competitively sensitive) on your company’s equipment, processes, and skillsets, a centralized database of regional manufacturing capabilities will be created. Ultimately the Supply Chain Resiliency Program will provide your company with:
  • potential collaboration opportunities
  • support for technology adoption, and
  • suggested methods for de-risking future market opportunities
You are only a few minutes away from enabling us to help highlight manufacturing gaps and identify emerging opportunity areas that your business can pivot towards. Please complete this survey now!

Company Information

Please enter or confirm the following company information:

Company Name:

Primary Business Address

Unit Number

Address Number

Street Name



Postal Code

Primary Contact

First Name:

Last Name:

Position Title:

Business Email:

Phone Number:

Please provide manufacturing capabilities for this company only.
If you have another company, you will have an opportunity to start a new registeration for that company at the end of this form.
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