Group Information

Group type:*

Name of school, group or program:*

Number of tour participants (##):*

Number of supervisors/adults (##):*

Contact Name:*

Email Address:*

Telephone Number:*

Additional group information and needs:

Tour Booking Request

Tours are booked Monday through Friday, starting at 10:00am or 12:30pm.

Date Requested:*

Please select preferred start time:*

Secondary Date Requested:*

Secondary Date preferred start time:*

Other Notes

Please share any other information that you think is relevant for booking the tour:

Personal information is collected for the purposes of responding to your City of Surrey City Hall Tours Booking Inquiry submission. The City of Surrey is collecting your personal information under s.26(c) of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act.  For questions regarding the collection and use of your personal information, please contact the City Clerk | City of Surrey, 13450 104 Avenue, Surrey, BC, V3T 1V8 | | Web Privacy Code